User-friendly and privacy-conscious, it provides reliable results in 5 minutes, supported by comprehensive assistance.
₹999.00 GST
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Neodocs EZ Check Alpha Sperm Count Test Kit: privately check sperm count at home, conveniently and quickly to determine Optimum, Normal, or Low sperm count with ease.
What is it good for?
Their user-friendly test ensures comfort and simplicity for home use, providing privacy without the need for a doctor’s visit. With reliable and accurate results available within 5 minutes, individuals gain a better understanding of their sexual well-being. Comprehensive 24×7 support is offered throughout the process, and an included result interpretation card facilitates easy assessment. Note: This test kit is for preliminary use only.
Impactful outcomes
Endorsed by Happy Customers
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About Company
Know the brand that invests in your wellbeing
Neodocs emerged during the pandemic with a forward-looking vision for healthcare. Unlike traditional healthcare models focused on treating diseases, Neodocs prioritizes proactive measures for overall well-being. Their innovative approach offers at-home health assessments, personalized plans, and ongoing monitoring to empower individuals to optimize their health. Neodocs envisions a world where everyone can achieve improved vitality and quality of life by overcoming obstacles to wellness and reaching their full potential.
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